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World’s Ten Most Colorful Faces (10 Pics)

  • Wednesday, July 31, 2013
  • Noé Molina
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  • Hey, Have You Seen the Animals with the Most Colorful Faces in the World?

    Clowns’ faces are colorful in order to be attractive to children. Many festivals worldwide are celebrated with participants wearing colorful masks. But those are only artificial.

    If there is a worldwide search for the most colorful face in the world, these animals on the list will be the best candidates.

    1.) Panther Chameleon


    2.) Argentine Horned Frog


    3.) Furcifer minor


    4.) Keel-billed Toucan


    5.) Mandrill


    6.) Bald Uakari


    7.) Blue and Yellow Macaw


    8.) Mandarinfish


    9.) Leopard Moray Eel


    10.) Puss Moth Caterpillar

    This post is dedicated to N.G.

    Amazing Pictures of the Mantis. (10 Pics)

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  • Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (10)

    The English common name for any species in the order is "praying mantis",because of the typical "prayer-like" posture with folded fore-limbs, although the eggcorn "preying mantis" is sometimes used in reference to their predatory habits Most mantises are exclusively predatory and exceptions are predominantly so. Insects form their primary prey, but the diet of a mantis changes as it grows larger. In its first instar a mantis will eat small insects such as tiny flies or its own siblings. In later instars it does not or cannot profitably pursue such small prey.


    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (6)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (5)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (2)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (1)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (4)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (3)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (7)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (8)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (9)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Mantis Arthropodo Insect. Alex (11)

    The delightfully elegant Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) (10 Pics)

  • Noé Molina
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  • Great Crested Grebe its a delightfully elegant waterbird with ornate head plumes which led to its being hunted for its feathers, almost leading to its extermination from the UK. They dive to feed and also to escape, preferring this to flying. On land they are clumsy because their feet are placed so far back on their bodies. They have an elaborate courtship display in which they rise out of the water and shake their heads. Very young grebes often ride on their parents' backs.


    A Beautiful and Giant Bird of New Zealand,Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus). (10 Pics)

  • Tuesday, July 30, 2013
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  • Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (2)

    The Kakapo (Māori: kākāpō, meaning night parrot), Strigops habroptilus (Gray, 1845), also called owl parrot, is a species of large, flightless, nocturnal, ground dwelling parrot of the super-family Strigopoidea endemic to New Zealand. It has finely blotched yellow-green plumage, a distinct facial disc of sensory, vibrissa-like feathers, a large grey beak, short legs, large feet, and wings and a tail of relatively short length. A certain combination of traits makes it unique among its kind—it is the world's only flightless parrot, the heaviest parrot, nocturnal, herbivorous, visibly sexually dimorphic in body size, has a low basal metabolic rate, no male parental care, and is the only parrot to have a polygynous lek breeding system. It is also possibly one of the world's longest-living birds.


    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (1)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (3)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (4)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (5)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (6)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (7)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (8)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (9)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (10)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Kakapo birds Aves. Alex (11)

    Comes stomping the Mediterranean Centipede (Scolopendra cingulata) (10 Pics)

  • Monday, July 29, 2013
  • Noé Molina
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  • Scolopendra cingulata, also known as the Megarian banded centipede,and the Mediterranean banded centipede is "the most common scolopendromorph species in the Mediterranean area.  is a burrowing animal, preferring dark, damp environments such as beneath logs and in leaf litter. 

    This species is fast and aggressive. Scolopendra cingulata is an opportunistic carnivore. It will attack and consume almost any animal that is not larger than itself. These include insects and small lizards.


    One of the most impressive Eyes of Nature,the Lemurs. (10 Pics)

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  • Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (6)

    Lemurs are a clade of strepsirrhine primates endemic to the island of Madagascar.Although lemurs often are confused with ancestral primates, the anthropoid primates (monkeys, apes, and humans) did not evolve from them; instead, lemurs merely share morphological and behavioral traits with basal primates. Lemurs arrived in Madagascar around 62 to 65 mya by rafting on mats of vegetation at a time when ocean currents favored oceanic dispersal to the island.Ranging in size from 30 g (1.1 oz) to 9 kg (20 lb), lemurs share many common, basal primate traits, such as divergent digits on their hands and feet and nails instead of claws (in most species).

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (1)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (2)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (3)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (4)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (5)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (7)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (8)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (9)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (10)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo Lemur. Alex (11)

    Lovely, tender and cute: The Baby Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) (10 Pics)

  • Sunday, July 28, 2013
  • Noé Molina
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  • Are you see something more tender and cute animal like a Baby giraffe?

    Maybe you did...

    But enjoy this seleccions of amazing jiraffes's pictures in their first days of born.

    The Babies Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis)


    Amazing Creatures That Inhabit The Antarctic. (10 Pics)

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  • Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (10)

    There are a variety of animals that live in Antarctica, which show great adaptability and resistance to the weather conditions, with a high degree of symbiosis in order to survive in this beautiful but inhospitable ends of the earth.

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (11)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (1)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (2)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (3)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (4)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (5)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (6)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (7)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (8)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals photo Nature exotic funny incredibel Zoo.Antartida (9)