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California condor, A really ungly animal.(15 Pics)

  • Saturday, November 30, 2013
  • Teo
  • Labels: ,
  • Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (1)

    The California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is a New World vulture, the largest North American land bird. This condor became extinct in the wild in 1987 (all remaining wild individuals were captured) but has been reintroduced to northern Arizona and southern Utah (including the Grand Canyon area and Zion National Park), coastal mountains of central and southern California, and northern Baja California. Although other fossil members are known, it is the only surviving member of the genus Gymnogyps.The adult California Condor is a uniform black with the exception of large triangular patches or bands of white on the underside of the wings. It has gray legs and feet, an ivory-colored bill, a frill of black feathers surrounding the base of the neck, and brownish red eyes. The juvenile is mostly a mottled dark brown with blackish coloration on the head. It has mottled gray instead of white on the underside of its flight feathers. As an adaptation for hygiene, the condor's head and neck have few feathers, which exposes the skin to the sterilizing effects of dehydration and solar ultraviolet light at high altitudes.[citation needed] The skin of the head and neck is capable of flushing noticeably in response to emotional state, a capability that can serve as communication between individuals. The skin color varies from yellowish to a glowing reddish-orange. The birds do not have true syringeal vocalizations. They can make a few hissing or grunting sounds only heard when very close.

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    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (2)



    ARKive image GES113713 - California condor



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (4)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (5)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (6)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (7)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (8)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (9)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (10)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (11)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (12)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (13)



    Amazing Animals Pictures California Condor (15)

    Macropinna microstoma It is Recognized for a Highly Unusual Transparent, Fluid-Filled Dome on its Head. (9 Pics)

  • Friday, November 29, 2013
  • Unknown
  • Labels:
  • Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (5)

    Macropinna microstoma is the only species of fish in the genus Macropinna, belonging to the Opisthoproctidae, the barreleye family. It is recognized for a highly unusual transparent, fluid-filled dome on its head, through which the lenses of its eyes can be seen. The eyes have a barrel shape and can be rotated to point either forward or straight up, looking through the fish's transparent dome.[1] M. microstoma has a tiny mouth and most of its body is covered with large scales. The fish normally hangs nearly motionless in the water, at a depth of about 600 metres (2,000 ft) to 800 metres (2,600 ft), using its large fins for stability and with its eyes directed upward. In the low light conditions it is assumed the fish detects prey by its silhouette. MBARI researchers Bruce Robison and Kim Reisenbichler observed that when prey such as small fish and jellyfish are spotted, the eyes rotate like binoculars, facing forward as it turns its body from a horizontal to a vertical position to feed. Robison speculates that M. microstoma steals food from siphonophores.[2]

    M. microstoma has been known to science since 1939, but is not known to have been photographed alive until 2004. Old drawings do not show the transparent dome, as it is usually destroyed when brought up from the depths.

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (1)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (2)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (3)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (4)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (6)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (7)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (8)

    Amazing Pictures of Animals, Photo, Nature, Incredibel, Funny, Zoo, Macropinna microstoma, Fish, Alex (9)

    The Burrowing Owl, the king of the rocks (Athene cunicularia) (37 Pics)

  • Thursday, November 28, 2013
  • Noé Molina
  • Labels: , , , ,

  • The Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) is a tiny but long-legged owl found throughout open landscapes of North and South America. Burrowing Owls can be found in grasslands, rangelands, agricultural areas, deserts, or any other open dry area with low vegetation.They nest and roost in burrows, such as those excavated by prairie dogs. But like many other kinds of owls, Burrowing Owls do most of their hunting from dusk until dawn, when they can use their night vision and hearing to their advantage.

    In the 2011 film Rango a group of Burrowing Owls is depicted as a band of Mariachi players.
