Zebus (/ˈziːˌbjuːz/ or /ˈziːbuːz/; Bos primigenius indicus or Bos indicus or Bos taurus indicus), sometimes known as humped cattle or Brahman cattle, are a type of domestic cattle originating in South Asia. They are characterised by a fatty hump on their shoulders, drooping ears and a large dewlap. They are well adapted to withstanding high temperatures, and are farmed throughout the tropical countries, both as pure zebu and as hybrids with taurine cattle, the other main type of domestic cattle. Zebu are used as draught oxen, as dairy cattle and as beef cattle, as well as for byproducts such as hides and dung for fuel and manure.In India it is considered as the contemporary representation of Nandi, the sacred bull of Shiva. Zebu were mentioned in the Silly Songs with Larry tune "The Song of the Cebú". Larry the Cucumber sings a story slide show song about Cebu and defines a cebú as "kinda like a cow." At one point in the song, Larry says "...I think that's the bull's cousin. He's a cebú!" This is fairly accurate, as European cattle and zebu are members of the same species. The Zebu is also famous for its appearance in the book I Heard the Owl Call My Name by Margarat Craven.

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